In their classrooms is where kids Use their Social Media Platforms throughout the day. There are numerous apps for your children to communicate with others with their Cell Phones-iPads-Laptops
Some of these apps make it simple to spread mis-information, are used for Cyberbullying, or for group chats. It happens throughout each day without the teachers having much awareness, nor empowerment to stop/limit it.
Many children will type and send more words through these apps, than are spoken directly to a friend, classmate or their parents. This includes in person conversations and what is said on their cell phone each day
Many of the more dangerous applications, games & info on the dark web, is shared right there, in the classroom. Many classmates with less aware and informed parents, are one of the prime sources for some of these “darker” apps and games.
1-ALWAYS HAVE THE passwords on all of your children’s digital hardware, including cell phones, laptops, I-pads, Tablets, Desktops.
2-ALWAYS KEEP THEIR phones each night when they go to bed. They will be there in the morning for them.
3-LEARN HOW TO CHECK their search history, their social posts, and the games they play, (many which have a dark side)
4-THERE IS TRACKING software for location with their phones, cars, other digital hardware. Consider whether you believe there is a need.
5-ALWAYS LOVE YOUR children, listening to them, caring for their NEEDS. Yet this is not about being their buddy, nor giving into their Desires for the latest, greatest, quickest tech.
DISCLAIMER – This site is to help parents have resources, links, FAQ’s answered. To more clearly understand that the Generation Z and Alpha Generation, (2010), have grown up in a Virtual World. No one site will have all the information for every app, game, and the solutions. Since we did not find a simple place to assist parents, to help become more engaged be more informed, this website was created to help parents with some basics. It is in the Genesis Phase and should be in constant growth. This website informative and has common , believes parents being informed concerning the apps, games, phone and computers that are used daily by our children.